Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Censorship SUCKS - Free ART

 iodine Jupiter
Bookcover that was cencored
by an Erotical Fair General
There is a poet in  Sweden that always manage to  provoke.
His book Dom dödas pornografi (The pornographie of them dead - free translation by  me...) had a cover with a man with a crucifux in his pants zipper. The poster for this one was censored by the Erotic Fair - next to the bookstand of Vertigo very small  females were fucked hard by big dicks on screens.....

This time.. iodine Jupiter made a book concerning Sweden being fucked by USA-freely..... its a satir....
the promovideo obviously upset someone - and they reported it to  YouTube as sex. Its no visiable sex in  this... the imagination makes this due to  the viewers own preferences... the artist is making art....

Well, since this artist got a big portion of humour... he of course responds in cool way to all this.... and is pleased someone got touch enough to react... of course...

He says:
(freely translated by me)

Where is the borderline for you?
The satir where USA is fucking Sweden arosed such joy and cheering at YouTube that they felt it necessary to  censor the long version of F**ck around the clock. Bodyparts painted in flags seems scary.

Explicit nothing is shown. Is this a question about political censorship of this parodie on USA. Or is the erotic phantasie of the censor running wild?

/iodine J
Freely translated by Nine IZ

here the original text from the artist:
Satiren där USA sätter på Sverige väckte sånt jubel att Youtube kände sig nödgade att censurera den långa versionen
av F**k around the clock. Kroppssminkande bakdelar målade som flaggor verkar otäckt.
Explicit visas ingenting. Är det fråga om politisk censur i parodin på USA. Eller den erotiska fantasin
hos censorn som skenat iväg?
/iodine J 
Note: the titel of this book mentioned above The pornographie of them dead is a travastie of an very old national hero among swedish authors btw... 

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