Wednesday, August 25, 2010

iodine Jupiter Fuck Around The Clock - promotion video for the book with same name

iodine Jupiter is one of Sweden's most secret poets. He is brilliant in his mysterious way. And very sharp in his humour and when he makes a satir.. its freaking glowing and smoky as after a bombshell attack. This is the promotion video for the book Fuck Around The Clock.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Today I discovered an artist named ranxid. The song Trains from the album Vawe Effect I like very much.


The picture at this link is the only one I find of the artist.
Ehm..not entirely true, if you check out the new band of ranxid there is actually a picture in one of them thumbnails for songs on the album.

This band is called "The Devil's Orphans".
At the ranxid website I read "Ranny joined up with Johnny N and DockterE" and the first 7 song CD is done.

Here is a taste of this and a link to their site.

Tither The Light (remix)