Friday, May 21, 2010

World Expo in Shanghai Features Machinimas

 My avatar Liza listening music in the moon of Bryn Oh´s sculpture  
The Mouse Drawn Owl

For first time ever at the World Expo machinimas is featured.
The Second Life is shown in The Airtree... 
Augmented reality...

And yes.... It is mine article.....

It is about Bryn Oh whos alias in real life is unknown.
This avatar made in is known and recognized as an artist inside this virtual world as well as In Real World. Well, this you  can read about in the link above from PressMedia Oi Magazine.

Here is one of Bryn Oh´s machinimas (a video made  from inside a virtual 3D world with avatars).

Bryn Oh writes poems then build the story around them in pixels and make machinimas to tell them.
Her little robots looks like sculptures. She herself looks like an angel still quite human in her avatar.

Its very tricky to build in pixels, for me it takes some time to put together mine simple books for the kafes of mine at Darker Shadow Productions, mine own little experiment in this world.


  1. as u can see im there^^ greethings xD chillin - its me

  2. Hello Sebastian :)

    Thanks for reading my blog^^

    Enjoy :)
