Saturday, November 6, 2010


There is a gallery that imports and exports art between USA-Europe-Japan. Special gothic experimental art from not quite yet established or recognized artists in the "world of art". Among their "family" we find names as Chet Zar, Ver Mar, Ansgar Noeth, Lukas Zpira and now recently even Banksy!

Since Yasha Young, the curator that hold all together, is one of the members of ART21 board things are happening there too. I am not surprised Banksy appeared this year!

The Strychnin is like an family, tells me Ansgar Noeth, when I visit the exhibition on one of my hundreds visits in Berlin. I always seems to been drawn to this fantastique thrilling gallery.

Ansgar Noeth told me that Strychnin travels together all over the world to set up installations.

Yasha Young tells me she doesn't even have an gallery in New York no more. I USA they found it more suitable to just set up installations where it's an interesting spot to do so.

She is kind of a marketing stylist for her artists, she is good at knowing how to introduce them to get them the best spotligth onto their carriere.
Her interest for goth, in the sense of the Edgar Allan Poe way, is striking in her choices of artists.

Its true thrilling to visit an exhibition curated by this Lady!


Excellent interview and reportage on Berlin Strychnin - check the video in the top that is named Strychin

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